Shameless promotion.

Posted: April 13, 2012 in Uncategorized

One of my clients sent the following to my office manager. 


I am writing you regarding my recent experience working with Alttara Scheer in the sale of my home in Bethel, CT. 
Initially, I was referred to Art Meyer by a local accountant my ex-wife (Sue) and I had used to help handle some details around our pending divorce.  The recommendation was based on the CDPE designation and her personal experience working with Art.  We did no think a short sale would work given my income…and we were actually told directly by our attorney ‘I made too much money to qualify.’  To our delight, Art explained the process and quickly introduced Alttara as a person that would make sure the short sale was a success.
Please keep in mind, Sue and I entered into this transaction very skeptical based on the experiences friends and family attempting to short sale their homes.
The short sale was successfully completed on March 9th and allowed Sue and I to move on…free from a home that would have impacted our financial and emotional lives for many years into the future.
This would not have been accomplished without the persistence, knowledge and determination of Alttara.  She shielded Sue and I from dealing with the banks and made the collection and communication of information as easy as possible. 
Every obstacle that was presented, Alttara communicated and coordinated…making sure the overall goal of the short sale remained in focus.  She did this…time and time…again!
I plan to refer Alttara to several attorneys and other professionals in Fairfield County area based on my experience working with her…Alttara is the reason the short sale was a success.

Excuse me!

Posted: February 24, 2012 in Uncategorized

Every realtor has a similar story, I’m sure…

Last weekend, following instructions on the MLS I called and left a message for the listing agent that I had clients interested in seeing one of their listings.

Walking into the house, it just “felt wrong”. I don’t mean haunted wrong (although I’ve been in one of those, too, can you say The Shining?), but there were dirty dishes about and a just-left feeling. Or so I thought.

I proceeded through the house calling out “Hello!” several times.

It was a beautiful home.

When I opened the bedroom door for my clients, the man laying in the bed covered (thankfully) from the waist down but bare from there up, wasn’t bad-looking, either.

More importantly, he was a very good sport and smiled and encouraged us to view the other bedrooms, which were, thankfully, empty!

Oh, right. I had started a blog. (face/palm)

I’ll get back to you later; it’s been a very busy week, but not without a few interesting experiences. 

Aside  —  Posted: February 23, 2012 in Uncategorized


Posted: February 11, 2012 in Uncategorized


Ok, that wasn’t just a sneeze (although I do have a cold).

The “AH!” part was a moment of enlightenment. About what, you ask? 

Well, that lawyers are people too! If only in the sense that they are fallible and imperfect. As in, thinking they know better than others what should be done. Sigh. There is no greater flaw than thinking you are infallible, and insisting you are correct about something you know nothing about. 

If you aren’t 100% sure, defer to somebody who is. C’mon, I know you can do it!  

The squeaky wheel…

Posted: February 6, 2012 in Uncategorized
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This is my obnoxious and obligatory…

“Call me! Let me help you sell your house and buy a new one!”


Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, I’d like to thank you all for your patience. I, personally, am NOT very patient. This is, for you, a Good Thing.


Well, because banks do not seem to pick up a file at all until and unless somebody calls them with a question about it. (I think I may have mentioned this already.) So, my calling them over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over makes them have to process that short that much faster.

This is quite possibly due to the fact that they get tired of me calling. But, you know, whatever. It gets the job done! 😉

Hold Music Hell-o operator!

Posted: February 3, 2012 in Uncategorized

I deeply suspect that bank employees who handle short sales never look at the file until somebody calls them to ask about it.

I’m also beginning to theorize that the particular kind of music played while one is on hold has to be some kind of subliminal message system.

If you were a bank processing short sales, what would your subliminal messages to realtors be?

Should I be concerned?